неділя, 8 вересня 2019 р.


Конспект уроку на конкурс «DINTERNAL EDUCATION
·        to exercise students' knowledge on the topic;
·        to рractice students’ speaking skills;
·        to incorporate group work and practice listening;
·        to train communicative skills using the method '"interview"
·        to evaluate a creative way of thinking;
·        to train pupils' logical thinking and imagination;
·        to motivate learners to analyzing situations
·        a map of Ukraine and the Zaporizhzhian Region;
·        a tape-recorder;
·        a computer;
·        sheets of paper for writing;
·        handouts;
·        texts for reading and listening;
·        thematic pictures.

I. Introduction
1.   Greeting
T: How are you today? I hope everything is O.K. 
T: What about you, Dima?
D: I'm all right.
T: I'm glad to hear you are fine. Nastya, does anything trouble you?
N: Nothing at all. I'm eager to start our lesson.
T: So, let's begin our lesson. I hope you'll be creative and active during our today's lesson.
2.   Introductory Talk
T: To begin with, I want to draw your attention to the quotation on the blackboard: "He, who loves not his land, can love nothing". These wonderful words belong to the great poet G.G. Byron. His love to his land was deep and passionate. He could not imagine his life without his Highlands. He was so devoted to it, for him there was nothing like his Homeland. I think these Byron's words can be the motto of our lesson.
3.    Presentation of the topic and the aim of the lesson
The topic of our today's lesson is "My native land". It is devoted to our little Motherland – the village of Andriyivka
The poem read by the pupil of the form Dasha Chige
Земля моя, земля найкраща в світі!
Я твій маленький, тонкий пагінець.
Без тебе я ніде не зможу жити,
Для мене ти і ненька, і мудрець.
Земля моя, мій милий рідний краю,
Тебе я в щасті й горі пізнаю.
Твою красу всім серденьком вбираю
І хочу знать історію твою.
Я хочу знати всі твої джерела
І рідну мову, щирості слова.
Бо ще жива культура, ще не вмерла,
Бо Україна — вічна і жива!
Земля моя, земля найкраща в світі,
Ось тут моє коріння і рідня.
Бо тут мого дитинства сонце світить,
Я тут росту і тут живу щодня.
Земля моя, прекрасна Андріївка
Твоєю піснею я серденько живлю.
Для мене ти і вічна, і єдина,
І я тебе всім серденьком люблю!

My earth, the earth is the best in the world!
I'm your small, thin sprig.
Without you, I will not be able to live anywhere 
For me, you are a mother and a sage.
My land, my dear native land,
I know you in happiness and sorrow.
Your beauty with all my heart is absorbed
And I want to know your story.
I want to know all your sources
And native language, sincerity of words.
Because the living culture is still alive, it's not dead yet
Because Ukraine is eternal and alive!
My earth, the earth is the best in the world,
Here's my roots and relatives.
Because here my childhood shines the sun
I am here growing up and I live here every day.
My land is beautiful Andriyivka
I love your heart with my heart.
For me you are eternal and united
And I love you all the heart!

The problem of the lesson is to prove that our region is really one of the most important places of our country. We have also to give ideas how to make Andriyivka  better because it is our little Motherland. We are the pupils of our school. We are proud of our village and school.  Listen  to the story of our school.
T. Storytelling.
Almost a century and a half above the village sound of school bells.
Autumn off-road, winter snowfalls or overgrown with spring ridges went to school children, because they sought knowledge, lively thoughts.
 It was not just their ways to the school, it was a road to the future.
More than one generation grew up in its walls, spread its wings to fly. Developed, developed and it.  The school lived and worked, because faith in the goodness and creativity in man is the cornerstone that underlies its formation. Like people, has its own biography:
Year of  the birth-1849.
Nationality-UKRAINIAN, because it sounds native language - "the best intimate conductor of thoughts, feelings, impressions."
In the current premises on the street Mykula, 14. Learning process is carried out since 1971.( Photo 1)

II. Warming-up
T: So, I offer you to speak about the village in order to increase your ability to speak English. What do you think about your native land?  Talk, please, about our village.
P1. Dima: My native land ... A cherry garden flourishing in spring, a quiet river, a field of sunflowers that stretches of beyond the horizons.
P2. Danyl: My native land ... The street where my friends and I live, the school we all go to, the old park we used to play in when we were kids.
P3. Illya: And now I want to recite a poem "Native land" by Volodymyr Symonenko (Photo 2)
Native land of mine! My mind is brighter,
Tenderness and love in my soul grow,
When your mighty hopes and dreams uplifting.
 In my life here, strong and steady flow.
You are bread for me, my aim for living.
From your soul I came and shall return.
And beneath your high domed heavens.
Life's hard lesson my young soul did learn.
People tricking you from love reserved.
People who concern of yours avoid.
May Earth's gravity betray them,
May they sink obscure into the void.

T: Thank you. The Zaporizhzhian Region is a wonderful place to live in, enjoy its beauty, share the glory of the past days and great changes that are taking place now.

5. Preparation for the work
So, today we honour our Andriyivka, we wish it would be independent, prosperous and happy. I hope you'll be hard-working and energetic during our lesson. Let's start then.
III. Main Part
Aim 1: Listening Comprehension
1.    Presenting Aim
T: I want to remind you that each region of Ukraine has its own flag and the coat of arms. So does Andriyivka. And now we are going to listen to the text deals with the symbols of our region.
2.    Introducing the Text
2.1. Introducing problem vocabulary from the text for listening
T: But before listening I'd like to introduce some problem words and expressions to be sure that you are ready for listening.
Top vocabulary

·        the cloudless blue sky
·        the golden rays of the rising sun
·        the broad horizons
·        great forests
·        the Entrance Gate
·        the golden oak branches
·        distinguishing feature

3.      While-listening Activity
T: And now Valeriya, our English Teacher today, is going to read the texts. You should listen to her attentively and try to understand the main idea of the text. Valeriya, you are welcome! Speak  about the flag of Andriyivka

The Flag of Andriyivka
Andriivka berd prapor.png
The Flag is not just a piece of cloth. It is an expression of human hopes and ideals of our long-suffering land. The field of the flag is divided into 3 parts of blue, yellow and green colours. The cloudless blue sky lent its colour to the upper part of the flag. The yellow  means the golden fields of wheat . The bottom field of the flag is green. The green symbolizes the nature  of our native land.  The Flag represents the past and the present of our people and their future too. Colours of the flag describe a peaceful sky, fertile field, nature - main natural landscapes of South, abundance and richness of the land. In addition, two of them - blue and yellow the colours repeat national symbols of Ukraine.
T: Sasha, speak about the Coat of Arms

The Coat of Arms

Andriivka berd gerb.png

The Coat of Arms is a reflection of the natural features of the land. It has the shape of the shield. His main element  is an image of the entrance gate of Andriyivka on a green background, a historical monument of the second half of the eighteenth century. At the foot - the image of sunflowers, symbolizing strength and glory of our fields and the golden of wheat, which reflects the basis of the life of  inhabitants of our district.

4.         Post-Listening Activity (Group Work)
T: Let's summarize the information you've got from the text. Split into 2 groups, please. I've got the details of the flag and the coat of arms. Your task is to make up the symbols of the region and explain their meanings.
T: Chidren, please, select the details and prepare for presentation.
(P.S. make up the flag and the coat of arms separately using the details and explaining their meanings.)
5.    Evaluation.
Great! We are satisfied with your work.                                                                                                                                                            
Aim 2: Reading + Speaking (Role-Play "At the lesson")
1.      Presenting Aim
T: When speaking to different people you should be able to keep talking, to ask and answer the questions. Your home task was to get acquainted with the text "Andriyivka" and be ready for retelling
T.Nastya, tell about the geographical location  of Andriyivka.
According to  historical and ethnographic characteristics and by its geographical location Andriyivka belongs to the Ukrainian South-east.  ( Population – above 3000 people). Distance to regional center, Berdiansk, is 44 km. The nearest railway stations are located in the village of Yelizavetovka by 36 km from Andriyivka.  Berdiansk is the district centre of Zaporizhzhian Region.  The date of the estate of the village (XVIII century) was preserved of tatar village in 1808. Andriyivka  is located on the banks of the river Kiltitcha.
( Photo3)

T: Chldren, prepare your texts for the work, please. Are you ready?
And now let's play a little. I offer you to play a game "At the Lesson". Who wants to be a teacher? We need 2 pupils.
Let me introduce our teachers: Aleksandr is our Geography Teacher;  Dima is a Teacher of History.
Dear Teachers! You should look the text through and be prepared for asking the questions. The pupils should be ready for answering. It's interesting to know who will be the best teacher and the best student.
2. Problem Solving in the suggested communicative situation.
T: Aleksandr, you are a Geography Teacher. And we are going to speak about the geographical position of Andriyivka. Ask your pupils, please. You are welcome!
1) Where does the Andriyivka lie?
2)      What is its  population ?
3)      What administrative unit is it
4)      What kind of climate does Andriyivka have?
5)      What is the village?
6)      What is the river of the region?
T: Well done. Thanks a lot.
And now we are at the History Lesson. Our History Teacher is going to draw our attention to some facts of the economic development of Andriyivka from the point of view of the history. Dima, you are welcome!

1)  Is it a rich and abundant land, isn't it?
2)      Who was the founder of Andriyivka ?
3)      What century was it founded?
4)      When was Andriyivka founded?
5)      Where is the village situated?                                                                                                                                                           
3.  Summarizing
T: Let's draw the conclusion. Answer my question, please. Why are you proud of our village?
T: My dear, I want to hear your stories.
PI: We are proud of our village because, as you know, the labour of many generations of Andriyivka created a base having personnel of experienced workers, specialist and managers.
P2: We are proud of our village because it has the powerful personnel and intellectual potential, modern scientific and research base alongside with the great market.
P3: We are proud of our village because it creates necessary conditions for  development of the people.
P4: We are proud of our region  Berdiansk because it makes for success of foreign investments, safe business, close beneficial cooperation with home and foreign business partners in the sphere of tourism and recreation.(Photo 4)
4.     Evaluation
T: Thank you for your opinions. And now let's find out who is the best teacher?
P1: We consider ... is the best teacher because he has made up all the questions correctly. Besides, he has shown the best speaking skills and his way of management has been perfect.
T: Who is the best pupil?
P2: To my mind,  ... are the best pupils because their answers have been more complete and the most impressive.
T: Thanks a lot. Your work is wonderful today.
1.    Presenting Aim.
T: You see Andriyivka is one of the biggest agricultural, scientific and cultural centres of our district. Our people are very friendly and hospitable. They are always glad to meet guests. As for me, if I invited guests I would ask them to come to my living-place. The members of my family would cook traditional meals like varenyky and borshch. It would be a good way of getting together with friends. And I'm sure that if I invited guests to my home they would be pleased. (Photo 5)

3.     Conclusion
P: At last we want to appeal to our native village: We don't know, our dear Andriyivka, how much time we spend with you, what fair wind will bring us somewhere... But we know for sure we'll return to you again and again.
4.       Taking an Interview
5.       T: Good for you! As for me, I think that the real pearl of our region is our Berdiansk. Today it attracts thousands of tourists and is known throughout Ukraine. Look over there, please! You can see photos created by our pupils. I hope you agree with me that our village near Azov Sea has the beauty of the Ukrainian nature. It's a part of the picturesque landscape with its elegance and majesty. I consider our village is a real wonder of our region.
Make a report, please.
P1: ... is especially dear to ...
P2: ... considers that ... is worth speaking today.
P3: To ...'s mind ... is unique.
P4: ... is proud of ...
P5: ... has mentioned ...
P6: ... can boast of...
III. The Ending
1.    Great job! Excellent!
And without doubt, the greatest wonder of Andriyivka  is people. They have made and make our village famous. We can boast that the poet , the writer, the literary man and ethnographer P. Kushch and others were born and live here. Thanks to them, we feel like living, creating, dreaming and becoming better. With legitimate pride for our school, we should say that it was a cradle for our former pupils and great sons of our glorious land.
And to finish our lesson we'd like to sing one of the most favourite songs "Where Your Homeland Begin For You". We love our Motherland greatly and we'd like to share our love with you.
2. Relaxation (Singing)
3. Parting
Thanks a lot for our today's lesson. It has come to the end. Good-bye. See you soon.